Area 1: Secure Careers in a Global Economy
Area 2: Financial market failures and regulation
Area 3: Decision-Making and Market Regulation
Area 5: New Challenges for New Data
List of ECODEC Structuring projects
– Yann ALGAN (HEC) & Augustin LANDIER (HEC) : Measuring and understanding the beliefs and preferences of business leaders on economic, social, and public policy issues
– Marie-Laure ALLAIN (X) : Competition policy and regulation in the digital era
– Pierre BOYER (X) : Institut des Politiques Publiques
– Philippe CHONÉ (ENSAE) : Connecting individuals’ health and employment trajectories to their local environment
– Alessandro RIBONI (X) : New frontiers in Political economy : Conflict analysis & prevention, migration, polarization and institutions
– Trading in the European carbon market (Barrot, Biais, Hombert, Schmidt), Employee health and CSR (Derrien, Örs), ESG performance and corporate governance (Efing), The real effects of climate change (Derrien, Spaenjers)
ERC Consolidator Grant 2022
Roland Rathelot (GENES) has been an “ERC Consolidator grant” in 2022, with the project entitled “Information Asymmetries in Hiring Decisions – INASHI”. It aims to provide new empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks in order to assess what the remaining information asymmetries on the labour market are, how important they are to aggregate unemployment, and unemployment of the most vulnerable segments of the labour market, and what solutions can be put in place to improve job search for employers.
ERC Starting Grant 2021
Pauline Rossi (Ecole Polytechnique) has been an “ERC Starting grant” in 2021 to conduct research on how social and market interactions shape the dynamics and distribution of fertility, with the project entitled “P3OPLE – Peers and Possible Partners: Exploring the Origins of Population Long-term Equilibria”.
New Publications :
Strittmatter, A. and C. Wunsch (2021): “Les inégalités salariales entre hommes et femmes sont souvent surestimées”, La Vie économique
Awards :
AFSE 2022 Book Prize – Thomas Delemotte , Francis Kramarz , Benoît Schmutz, L’emploi et le territoire – Presses de Sciences Po.
AFSE 2022 Thesis Prize – Antoine Ferey, Pierre Boyer and Jean-Baptiste Michau, “Essays on the scale and structure of socio-fiscal systems.
the winners of the 2021 Humanities and social sciences (SHS) PSL Dissertation Prize : Law, Economics, Management Award :
Anasuya RAJ, Essais en Economie Publique et en Economie Politique. Ecole Polytechnique. Codirection : Pierre Boyer et Pierre Picard : https://psl.eu/en/news/winners-2021-humanities-and-social-sciences-shs-psl-dissertation-prize
Nomination :
Béatrice Cherrier (CNRS) has received CNRS bronze medal
University of Zurich awards Bruno Biais an honoris causa doctorate : https://www.hec.edu/en/news-room/university-zurich-awards-bruno-biais-honoris-causa-doctorate
Bertrand Garbinti (ENSAE Paris) was appointed “qualified person” to the High Council for the Family (HCFEA) :
ERC Advanced Grant 2020
Thierry FOUCAULT (HEC Paris) has been an “ERC Advanced grant” in 2020 to conduct research on the determinants of financial markets liquidity, the industrial organization of these markets, and their effect on the real economy, with the project entitled “FIDAI – Financial Information, Data Abundance, and Investment”.
Please find some more news on it:
- https://www.horizon-europe.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/2021-04/liste-des-laur-ats-de-l-appel-erc-adg-2020-2856.pdf
- https://www.hec.edu/fr/faculty-research/faculty-directory/faculty-member/foucault-thierry/
ERC Consolidator Grant 2020
Johan HOMBERT (HEC Paris) has been an “ERC Consolidator grant” in 2020 to conduct research on European life insurers, with the project entitled “LIFE – Financial Intermediation of Long-Term Savings”.
Please find some more news on it:
- https://www.hec.edu/en/news-room/johan-hombert-wins-european-research-council-grant
- https://johanhombert.github.io/
Award for research on Risk Management
Associate professor of Finance at HEC Paris, Guillaume Vuillemey, was awarded the “Brattle Prize Distinguished Paper” in January for his 2020 research article “Risk management in financial institutions”, published in The Journal of Finance.
Award for a research paper
A research paper by Kristine de Valck, Marketing Professor at HEC Paris, has been nominated finalist for the Weitz-Winer-O’Dell Award of the Journal of Marketing Research. The paper, co-written by former Ph.D. student Ana Babić Rosario and former HEC Paris Professor Francesca Sotgiu, is recognized as an influential long-term impact paper :
Prix du Meilleur jeune Economiste 2020 :
Isabelle MEJEAN (X) has been awarded with the “Best Young Economist 2020” Price.
Please find some more news on it:
- Isabelle Méjean a reçu le Prix du meilleur jeune économiste 2020
- La relocalisation est une fausse bonne idée
New Publications :
The Finance Department at HEC Paris is pleased to announce that Associate Professor Ioanid Rosu has had his research paper “Evolution of Shares in a Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency” published in Management Science, one of the world’s top management journals. The research is in collaboration with Fahad Saleh from Wake Forest University :
New Working Papers :
Gwen-Jiro CLOCHARD has edited a Working Paper in Labex ECODEC WP serie: “Low-Cost Contact Interventions Can Increase Inter-Ethnic Trust when Previous Contacts Were Scarce: Evidence from Senegal“, Gwen-Jiro CLOCHARD
Find the PDF : here
Jay Euijung LEE has edited two Working Papers in Labex ECODEC WP serie:
- “Marriage and Misallocation: Evidence from 70 Years of U.S. History”, Jay Euijung LEE
Find the PDF : here
- “How do political parties respond to gender quotas? Evidence from South Korea”, Jay Euijung LEE
Find the PDF : here
Anthony STRITTMATTER has edited a Working Paper in Labex ECODEC WP serie: “The Gender Pay Gap Revisited with Big Data: Do Methodological Choices Matter?“, Anthony STRITTMATTER
Find the PDF : here
Ionid ROSU has edited a Working Paper in Labex ECODEC WP serie: “Dynamic Adverse Selection and Liquidity”, Ionid ROSU
Find the PDF : here
Isabelle MEJEAN has edited a Working Paper in Labex ECODEC WP serie: “Foreign Shocks as Granular Fluctuations”, Julian Di Giovanni, Andrei A. Levchenko, Isabelle Méjean
Find the PDF : here
Marie-Laure ALLAIN has edited a Working Paper in Labex ECODEC WP serie:
“Vertical Integration as a Source of Hold-up: an Experiment”, Marie-Laure ALLAIN, Claire CHAMBOLLE, Patrick REY, Sabrina TEYSSIER
Find the PDF : here
2 notes on Coronavirus :
“Propagation des chocs dans les chaînes de valeur internationales : le cas du coronavirus”, Mars 2020, Isabelle MEJEAN, Elie GERSCHEL, Alejandra MARTINEZ
Find the PDF: here
“Déconfinement et lutte contre l’épidémie de Covid-19 : grouper les tests pour plus d’efficacité”, Avril 2020, Olivier GOSSNER, Elie GERSCHEL, Christian GOLLIER
Find the PDF: here