Area 4: Evaluating the Impact of Public Policies and Firm Decisions

This area intends to develop research into the evaluation of causal effects along four dimensions:

  • New econometric tools for program evaluation
  • New field experiments to go beyond the numerical impact of a decision and rather identify the most prominent channels generating the effects
  • Randomized evaluation techniques to analyze social choices, in particular to help design efficient public policies against poverty
  • Scientific evaluation of corporate decisions (product attributes and pricing, production technologies, human resources policies and management, financing, and, in general, marketing decisions).

Center of Decision Evaluation (CoDE), will help in the setting up of collaborations, in developing field experiments in firms, and in defining the dissemination strategy. Because the techniques promoted by the Center are going to be used by all three previous research areas, the CoDE will be a locus of interactions between all LABEX members. The strategy of this area does not limit itself to public policies evaluation but also addresses  the evaluation of corporate decision making, so that it is planed to open multiple avenues for cooperation with companies.

There are 31 researchers affiliated to this area, lead by Pierre BOYER (X) as Principal Investigator, and his two Co-PIs, Arne UHLENDORFF (GENES) & Tomasz MICHALSKI (HEC).

Here is their presentation at the last Board of Trustees.

Here is an updated list of the Area publications.