ROUZIES Dominique | All that glitters is not sold: selling a luxury brand outside a luxury environment | Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management | 2021 |
MICHAU Jean-Baptiste | On the Provision of Insurance against Search‐Induced Wage Fluctuations | The Scandinavian Journal of Economics | 2021 |
PICARD Pierre | Optimal insurance coverage of low-probability catastrophic risks | The Geneva Risk and Insurance Revie | 2021 |
PRAT Julien | An equilibrium model of the market for bitcoin mining | Journal of Political Economy | 2021 |
PRAT Julien | Reputation and earnings dynamics | Journal of Economic Theory | 2021 |
MEJEAN Isabelle | Price discrimination within and across EMU markets: Evidence from French exporters | Journal of International Economics, Elsevier | 2020 |
MEJEAN Isabelle | Volatility in the small and in the large: The lack of diversification in international trade | Journal of International Economics, Elsevier | 2020 |
ALLAIN Marie-Laure | Purchasing alliances and product variety | International Journal of Industrial Organization | 2020 |
BELZIL Christian | The evolution of the US family income–schooling relationship and educational selectivity | Journal of Applied Econometrics | 2020 |
MALHERBET Franck | Taxation of Temporary Jobs: Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes? | The Economic Journal | 2020 |
MALHERBET Franck | Taxation of temporary jobs: Good Intentions with Bad Outcomes? | The Economic Journal | 2020 |
MALHERBET Franck | Explaining the spread of temporary jobs and its impact on labor market turnover | International Economic Review | 2016 |
MONGIN Philippe | Social preference under twofold uncertainty | Economic Theory | 2020 |
BOJILOV Raicho | Referrals and Search Efficiency: Who Learns What and When? | Journal of Labor Economics | 2019 |
PRAT Julien | Firm Dynamics and Residual Inequality in Open Economies | Journal of the European Economic Association | 2018 |
PRAT Julien | Human capital and optimal redistribution | Review of Economic Dynamics | 2018 |